Bootstrap Forever

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Hi folks, I started and ran Built With Bootstrap many years ago, which wasn't much but became a really nice way for folks to share the sites they were building using the Bootstrap CSS framework. (Please note, I was never affiliated with the Bootstrap CSS team - I did use the framework a lot tho at the time) I'd always wanted to focus less on a specific frontend framework and more on bootstrapping startups. One of the reasons that Bootstrap CSS became (and arguably still is) so popular is that it enables entrepreneurs and their teams to move faster towards getting something out in front of their potential audience. That's why I'm super excited to share that I've pivoted Built With Bootstrap into Bootstrap Forever, a community to help bootstrapped startups build and grow together! Bootstrapping a business is hard, especially if you're running solo, and seeking funding or a quick exit isn't everyone's goal. I want a community that values this sort of long-term approach and actively works to support each other. I've set up a free to join Discord ( – yes it's just me in there right now, please come say hi πŸ‘‹πŸΌ – and if you want to support the community by subscribing, I'm planning to get some exciting offers out on the table for subscribers very soon ( Our big initial goal is to hit Β£2k/month in subscriptions at which point we'll be giving away a MacBook Air M2 *every month* to one lucky subscriber. I'm trying to build a really positive and open community of genuine bootstrappers and would love it if you'd be open to joining in!
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