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  • Beta Feedback

    1 reply
    Hi, I am in the first stages of preparing for a Product Hunt launch and am looking for feedback on the beta version of my remote worker and team collaboration Sass service. I have seen the "No advertisement or self-promotion" notice in discussions. I am just checking that it is okay to provide a link to my beta site for feedback. Just looking for Feedback MyGroupSpace What have other members done to generate beta feedback for their products prior to launch? Thanks everyone.


    Alexander Moen
    I just posted in another thread about a list that touches on this. On the following link, scroll down to the "beta" named products: https://www.mcsmartypants.com/fr... That's a list of free web directories and communities where you can get legit links for your company. Some of those you can sign up for and are purely about early adopters or beta testers that are interested in seeing certain things come to life. Hopefully one or two of those are a good fit for you.