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  • At what stage in the development process have you launched your SaaS on Product Hunt?

    Arthur Leclercq
    6 replies
    When is the right time to launch your SaaS product on Product Hunt? I explore the ideal stage in the development process for introducing my software-as-a-service (SaaS) product to the Product Hunt community. I consider factors such as feature completeness, user testing, and market readiness to determine the best time for a successful launch. Share your insights and experiences !


    Wilfred Kasekende
    Also, I'm wondering if you can launch again in N months if you were to make significant progress. How does the PH community receive that?
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    @wilfred_kasekende From what I've heard it's pretty good to relaunch. I think you need to wait for 6 months though.
    Arthur Leclercq
    @wilfred_kasekende I do not think that you can launch "twice" the same product, you have to launch different product each time, as well I heard that you can launch one product every 6 months if I am not wrong
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    We're launching at the moment of launching the beta! So users can test it out!
    Gurkaran Singh
    I've found that launching my SaaS on Product Hunt after user testing but before reaching "feature-bloated-itis" is like serving a perfectly balanced dish - timing is key for that delightful user experience! When do you think is the sweet spot for a Product Hunt debut?
    Arthur Leclercq
    @thestarkster That's interesting, thanks for your insights, I probably think that the way you did it can be the right time to launch a Saas indeed