Any high school entrepreneur here?
Subin Heo
7 replies
Hi! I am making an app for helping high school students preparing college application and was wondering if there's any high school entrepreneur here! I'd more than love to talk about each other's product, share feedback and support each other!
(I'm a college student)
Viraj Cz@virajchhajed
Draw your NFT
Yep! mee!
@virajchhajed Hey there! So nice meeting you :) If it's okay with you I'd like to talk to you! How can I reach out to you? :)
Draw your NFT
@ussist_me Sure! Let's talk on Twitter / Discord?
My Twitter ID @VirajCz ( )
Draw your NFT
Sure! Let's talk on Twitter / Discord?
My Twitter ID @VirajCz ( )
@허수빈 궁금한 점이 있는데 저도 연락 가능할까요?!
Hi - my education startup ( is about online exam and school management.