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  • Adding $3k in revenueusing affiliate marketing

    Victor Giurgiu
    0 replies
    Hey everyone 👋 I used to lead a software development agency(https://developmently.org) back in the day, and that went pretty well, but I felt like the customer acquisition process wasn't really for me, so this is why I transitioned into SaaS :) Anyway, I wanted to share a story about how we added 3k revenue by starting an affiliate program for the agency. One day, I was struggling to get customers for the agency, I was kinda running out of ideas, so I did what everyone does, started browsing the web. After a few pages, I stumbled upon and article which explained how more than 80% of companies have really successful affiliate programs that bring consistent revenue every month. This got me interested, so I got to work and set up a simple affiliate/partner program, but I quickly found out that this means nothing if I don't reach out and connect with the right marketers. I cold outreached tones of sales agencies that week and some replied pretty quickly and got to work. They referred some customers and it was a win-win :D Now imagine if I did that 10X. This is what started my SaaS 🤯 This is what got me started on my SaaS journey! I decided to create a SaaS that helps companies grow their affiliate/partner programs using AI because I know how important it is to have a healthy program, and I decided to make the sky the limit! If you want a free demo of Affistash feel free to leave a comment below, or shoot me an email at hello@affistash.com, and let's talk :D
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