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  • Best way of becoming more involved with the PH community?

    Victor Daniel Cardenas
    6 replies
    Hey everyone! Working on a project that I'm planning to launch on PH in the next month or two. A ubiquitous piece of advice I've heard is to "be active on the community" prior to launching to maximize the odds of running a successful campaign. As of now, I'm just trying to give feedback and comment on products I find interesting and participate in discussions like these. Anything else I should be doing? Is having a high follower count on PH valuable? Appreciate your help!


    Aaron O'Leary
    That's a great way to do it! Commenting on product launches in a constructive manner is appreciated and can lead to making connections on the site. Discussions is also a good way of doing so and even interacting with makers outside of PH such as on Twitter also :)
    Erman Ergün
    @victorcc As @aaronoleary also mentioned, I was going to emphasize Twitter. Twitter is a great place for the Makers and the Product Hunt community to become even closer and share the new tech! Providing feedback is also amazing, provide feedback to others and receive feedback on your launch day, it's basic karma :D
    Meghna Bagri
    The thumb rule of involving in any community, be it PH or any other platform, is to share your thoughts and take feedback from others. PH community is full of experts in various fields and sharing your product or thoughts here and taking feedback from other will definitely going to help.
    Rajan Verma (Aarvy)
    Welcome, you can also try IndieHackers as well , for like minded Solopreneurs.