Have you guys seen "Shoploop"? What are your thoughts on it?
María Fernanda aka Fer (she/her)
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Just came across this article on Later about this new Google app - Shoploop. Basically a 100% shopified tiktok. https://later.com/blog/shoploop/?utm_source=mc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=10092020_LaterConSession_AttendeesUsers&utm_source=Later&utm_campaign=0d612e736b-10092020_LaterConSession_AttendeesUsers&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ed013a3012-0d612e736b-28650777&ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_8_28_2020_17_55_COPY_01)&mc_cid=0d612e736b&mc_eid=8230e4be00
It made me feel a bit odd, I'm sure it would be a huge success because it's actually more of a Depop but video focused and we're such a consumerist society but I feel like it's too much, you know? Also the UI could def use some upgrading but idk... yet ANOTHER app to buy stuff from. Jeez.
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