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  • 70 day streak! What's your highest?

    Rich Watson
    32 replies
    I just hit a 70 day streak, would go couple weeks then apparently miss a day by maybe a few hours. Been ontop of it last couple months. Next goal 100. What is your highest streak? Anyone hit 365 days ever?


    I was on like 165 then missed a day sadly!
    Maksym Astakhov
    41 second try, first was lost on 30
    Roberto Morais
    New poster here, I'm on 34 days. It's a great reminder to come back to the community everyday and see if there is anything I can help.
    @richw I started checking PH religiously in 2020, but streak started recently. Before that, I checked it on & off in the week as I curated products for my newsletter then.
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    @falak_sher Jeeeze, longest record in here s ofar.
    Toni King
    @falak_sher Wow, that's impressive!
    Andrew C.
    jeez a 23 or 25 day was the max I got to
    Irete Hamdani
    I'm at 54! :)
    Afan Sheikh
    That is incredible. Don't you enjoy your weekends? 🙄😅
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    @afan_sheikh Checking product launches and stopping in the community threads isn't enjoyable to you? 😂
    Paul (Riston)
    right now 1 (newbie)
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    @riston_thomas Keep at it, goes by quick.
    162 now, I bookmark it to a morning daily visit.
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    Siena Romes
    For now, I just got 10.
    Neha Dadhich
    AppLogger by PLG Works
    Mine is 5 only, as on weekends I don't visit.
    Sunil Khedar
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    15 days max :)
    Launching soon!
    My last longest streak was 31 days.
    Sarah Jordi
    Ok wooooooow 😂😂 that gamification play really seems to work :D I never managed more than 15 or so, and usually, I lose it on a Saturday or Sunday, when I manage not to be on my computer. But will maybe try to get to 20 first, before scaling to higher goals like you all :)
    Naomi Chao
    Only 35 but I'm gunning to break 100 someday
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    @naomichao Same goal here
    Iuliia Shnai
    I am only on 5 day streak after a long break in using PH but love this gamified accountability feature. As many other tools only show you the usage if you invested a lot of time in it or don't keep you accountable at all:)
    Markus Jenul
    133 Days. damn was i sad when i missed day 134
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    @markus_jenul1 Ouch, that stung a little
    Sarvam Fating
    Notion Habit Tracker
    Notion Habit Tracker
    Just started a week ago. Hanging at a 5-Day one atm
    Emil Ahayeu
    3 days, But I'll try to check in regularly:))