What's on your reading list this weekend?

Abhineet Kumar
12 replies


Abhineet Kumar
@valeryfenskaya maybe I'll give it a read as well. Looks super useful. How are you liking it?
Piotr Gaczkowski
Recently finished "On the Shortness of Life", currently reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
Abhineet Kumar
@doomhammer Rich Dad, Poor Dad is such a classic. Loved it. Let me look up "On the Shortness of Life" What was your takeaway from it?
Piotr Gaczkowski
@abhineetsays that we need to learn how to live instead of postponing life for some indeterminate future. That our time on Earth may be limited but there's a lot of it, if we know how to handle it.
Alex Papageorge
40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur https://www.amazon.com/Anything-...
Abhineet Kumar
@alex_papageorge looks like a super new book, how did you discover it?
Olga Trykush
My super goal is to finish David Aaker "Building strong brands", I've read another his book earlier and it changed my vision by 360 degrees πŸ™ƒ https://www.amazon.com/Building-... https://www.amazon.com/Aaker-Bra...
Olga Trykush
@abhineetsays I learned that communication is a system that should work for the company's recognition using associations and symbols. Also, I confirmed my guesses regarding emotional marketing - every business should refer to emotional aspects while promoting their product. It's definitely must-read for all marketers and entrepreneurs.
Abhineet Kumar
@olha_trykush how did it change your vision? Would love to know
Ivan Sidelnik
"Everything is negotiable" Gavin Kennedy