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  • Do you think having a personal trainer is a great help to do/or to start sports ?

    6 replies
    Have a nice weekend!


    Alex Devero
    Having a personal trainer has three benefits: 1) You will learn the proper technique to do your sport. This will help you get started faster and avoid many potential injuries. 2) Trainer will hold you accountable. If you are not that type of person who can hold herself accountable then trainer will do this for you. 3) Trainer is another expense. This can be a good motivation for you to stick to the sport. Otherwise, you would be wasting your money. Btw, what sport do you want to start with?
    Hi @alexdevero, thank you for your advice! I would like to start to do crossfit
    Alex Devero
    @mybutler In that case, I think you should give trainer a try. At least for a week or two until you get a grasp on it. Crossfit is one of the sports where technique matters a lot and bad form can quickly lead to injury.
    Kaloyan Dobrev
    @alexdevero For me the second point is the big difference. Just mentally is different when you know that you are accountable to someone else.
    Clayton Perroni
    While having outside help can be beneficial, there are many unqualified people out there so selecting the right trainer would be key. That being said, there is a plethora of free material online on how to develop skills. I would first start with exploring the free options and see how far you can get on your own before resorting to outside help. There are lots of fitness communities out there that can answer questions if you need more help.
    Crawford Evans
    I can't speak from personal experience as my babies are older, and boys. So one day they both got interested in rugby in Singapore and I found extracurricular courses for them for the mornings and weekends. But for you, my sister recommended checking out local parent forums or social media groups. They're goldmines for real, unfiltered feedback on schools. And there are girls' groups there too, just in case you like Rugby too. Good luck finding the right place for your girl.