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  • 4 Special Reasons Why I Explain My Ideas

    Hey there, It’s Alessio, the Founder of BaliBam 🙂 I started five startups. Unfortunately, four of them failed in the first few months. In the first one, I made three common mistakes: - I kept my idea secret too much. - I thought just having the idea was enough. - I teamed up with the wrong person. Now, I share my ideas with others as much as possible. There are four big reasons why: - Clarity - Whenever I explain my idea to someone, I understand it better myself. Even if something seems clear in your head, when you explain it to others, you understand it more too. Many times, while I’m explaining something, I realize: Oh, I’m not explaining it well. Because even to myself, it doesn’t sound clear. - Different perspectives - People have different experiences. They come from different backgrounds. They might see your idea in a different way. Balibam is a software made for Software Agencies. Recently, I talked to someone in real estate. They said: “Did you know, you could use the idea of Balibam for building houses too.” And it makes a lot of sense! - Being accountable - When you talk to others about your idea, you feel responsible to them too. You might be less likely to give up. Because you wouldn’t just be giving up on yourself, But also on others. - Purpose - People often ask: “Why are you doing this?”. It helps you remember why your idea matters. And remember, most people won't steal your idea. Unless it's an incredible and disruptive idea With low barriers to entry. From my experience, that's the 0.0001% of the ideas. Do you think you could have made Facebook in 2004 Even if you had known the idea? I talk about BaliBam every single day. Recently, I talked to a good friend: Amanda Grasso. She's amazing at sales and helped me improve Balibam's pitch. Especially now that exciting news is coming! Keep watching, BaliBam is coming with a second iteration Because of the feedback I got (remember point two, Different perspectives). Best, Alessio Mavica


    Gurkaran Singh
    Hey Alessio, I completely resonate with your approach of sharing ideas openly. Transparency and feedback are key to success in any startup journey. Your points on clarity, different perspectives, accountability, and purpose are spot on. Plus, kudos on embracing the power of collaboration and seeking input from diverse sources like Amanda. Can't wait to see what the second iteration of BaliBam brings to the table! Cheers, Gurkaran Singh