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  • <30 sec demo video or full product overview video? What's your choice for a launch?

    Uladzislau Rymasheuski
    13 replies


    Highly recommend keeping it short and straight to the point. Show only the top value add features that make you unique and solves the customer problems. Get them hooked to want to learn more. Do not bore them. That’s just my opinion
    I think a demo video is the best option
    Eliza Crescini
    If you want to give excitement to your customers and new perspectives, a < 30-sec demo video would be awesome!
    Shajedul Karim
    keep it short and sweet. a 30-second demo grabs attention and creates curiosity. for launch, that first hook is everything. longer deep-dives can wait for the hooked viewer's next click.
    Short and impactful - we’ve tried to do this on www.autodm.ai
    Philipp Jackson
    I prefer short video for the first product overview, and second step is full demo/try
    Carol Moh
    Def <30 sec demo for PH, and I would also take it a step further to recommend subtitles/captions or text in your video that allows viewers not to have to turn on the sound to know what is going on. Way more people than we think watch videos without sound!
    Shivam Garg
    I would recommend keeping it short & crisp within a time frame of 30sec.