25th July: Curated list of awesome launches - The Weekly SaaS Hunt
Biro from Goos.ly
2 replies
The week of 25th July was great on Product Hunt for a couple of reasons: A tone of brilliant completely free resources and products; A focus on email marketing!
Check out my shortlist: https://goos.ly/blog/weekly-saas-hunt/
The live stream: https://youtu.be/vo016mYdv7I
The calendar: https://goos.ly/cl4ykfxry9218848mlmxsw1qvp
Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
Trello Tip Generator and Newsletter
Hi Biro!!! Love that you're doing this :) Need add a recurring calendar event so i remember to join!
Scott AI
❤️🙏 never not grinding!