$15k+ MRR, but something's off 🤔
4 replies
Our AI chatbot is free & unlimited. Competitors charge $999+ for similar features.
We have 3 premium customers, yet free version adoption is low. Why aren't more using our free version?
What are we missing? Your honest insights are invaluable!
Nigel Yong@niyong
I think it's the value perception, they would think those competitors are better since they are more expensive.
Like Apple kind of.
@anni_maan try experimenting and see 🤞🏻
Hmm it could be the value perception like you mentioned. Maybe try adding some high-end features or positioning your product as more premium? Perception of quality matters as much as actual quality sometimes... Like how people think a $100 bottle of wine must be better than a $20 one even if they taste the same 😁 What if you tested a higher price point on a subset of customers to see how it impacts conversions?