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  • What is the actual ROI in investing on Product Hunt Ship?

    7 replies
    From a Marketing and practical perspective, how beneficial is it to be part of PH considering the money and time invested considering all else that needs to be done?


    Timoté Geimer
    @laura_pompeu are you referring to the paying subscription? IMO it really depends on your goal and strategy. Are you planning to launch a PH campaign soon? If the answer is yes, you should consider taking the subscription as it will give you more exposure and help develop a captive audience prior to your launch. Therefore, once ou will launch your campaign all these user will be informed and will more easily upvote you. Remember that to be featured on the first page of PH you'll need a fair amount of upvotes and comments right after your product is live. To take the best out of ship, I recommend also to manually add all the persons who subscribed to your waiting list on other channels to your subscriber list on ship. (for the exact same reason).
    @tim_achieved Interesting. Yes, forum communities like reddit and indiehackers have shown to have plenty of people open to give feedback and even create partnerships. Those two are in the top of the list of referral websites, according to our analytics. We've imported some subscribers to our Product Hunt Ship, so now we have about 53: https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Hi @tim_achieved, thanks for the feedback. I do mean the paid subscription and in terms of time as well, I've invested both and have very little to show for it. It feels trickier than other platforms I'm in when it comes to starting conversations, getting feedback and really engaging. You're the first person to answer one of my questions, thanks! :)
    Timoté Geimer
    @laura_pompeu I agree that engaging with the community on PH isn't easy at all. The best way is through the Makers Chat but still, it only works when people are connected. I never tested the paid version so I can't share my own experience. The only thing I can tell you is that it ads few features and put you on the "coming next" section on the home page. This last offer can certainly drive you some traffic but then it obviously depends on your product attractiveness. Did you much more engagement on other platforms? How many companies do you have on your waiting list so far?
    Timoté Geimer
    @laura_pompeu That's a great start! From our experience IndieHackers community has been the most supportive. Also, what drove the most attention to our project are our blogpost that we published on Hacker Noon as well as post on LinkedIn (+ private messages). That's maybe other channels to consider.