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Zack Howitt
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When it comes to the app itself, the pricing system, the super quick support, and more, they’re an unstoppable force! Check them out!
Pros: Great app, amazing product, amazing team
Cons: I’ve tried all the luggage storage apps. Nothing compares!
Store your bags/luggage in local hotels & shops

Zack Howitt
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The team is very responsive to feedback
Pros: Seriously one of the best products out there for nonprofits. Tons of orgs that use and rely on donorbox.
Cons: None

Receive recurring donations faster than ever

Zack Howitt
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looks good jason. last time we spoke zipkick had a different mission: as a hotel booking app. what made the team decide to pivot to the review space?

Travel and restaurant reviews from trusted experts

Zack Howitt
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I saw Rumi Spice present during the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum in 2014. Great concept - glad you guys are doing well!

Rumi Spice
Buy Saffron from Afghan farmers

Zack Howitt
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i like the idea of a in app date meetup feature. however, i don't know how this would be scalable. i agree with previous posters that there are many bugs in the current app.

Helping people fall in love, build community, save the world

Zack Howitt
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Terrific Product, the hitlist team is killing it!

Wandertab by Hitlist 2.0
Amazing flight deals (and images) with every new tab

Zack Howitt
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murgency is a game changer that has the opportunity to make a real difference in the world. I heard them pitch this past December at GMIC (they came in 2nd place). One of the judges, who was quite distinguished, just couldn't comprehend that you don't always get a trained medical specialists within minutes of calling 9-1-1, especially in developing countries like India.

One global emergency response network

Zack Howitt
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great video! have you thought about whitelabeling it and selling it as a solution to universities themselves, possibly with some custom/admin features?

Meed Talent
Invite students for part-time, internships and full time job

Zack Howitt
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What a great idea, I've been looking for something like this. I like how it tells you the prices for the ingredients from safeway and whole foods. I'd love to see @Instacart prices as well, or even better, if you could add all the items to your instacart cart. Is that on your radar screen for the future?

Curated recipe discovery

Zack Howitt
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Founder here - just got around to rolling the app out so let me know if you have any questions :)

Remember who you meet at the Product Hunt Happy Hour tonight

Remember who you meet at the Product Hunt Happy Hour tonight

Zack Howitt
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I've seen some of the early mockups of this and it looks really cool. I'd be willing to pay to try it out too, however I can't see myself using this more than a couple times.

Explore space with Oculus Rift (pre-launch)