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Sean Bair
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I was struggling to remember a name from someone I’d recently met. It became embarrassing that I couldn’t remember so I thought, there’s got to be an easier way to record and recall important details about people. I embarked on writing an app that combines the best of users’ contacts, calendar, notes and reminders apps - all geared toward nurturing personal relationships.
Of course, the app...

Be a Thoughtful Person (Personal CRM / Contacts Manager)

ZooWho is a free mobile app that helps you organize and nurture your personal and professional relationships. Call it a personal CRM, digital rolodex, or contacts + reminders + calendar + notes all in one. Take notes on your friends and be a thoughtful person.

Be a Thoughtful Person (Personal CRM / Contacts Manager)

Sean Bair
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It's important to know which competitors you are up against and what their strengths and weaknesses are. Ignorance to your competitors could be a downfall to your business. However, if you know who the other players in the space are then you can know where your business can thrive.
Product already exists - How do you deal with it?
Job Board Software
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Sean Bair
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Like the previous comment said, you need to find a need and fill a need. Find something that you care about. Find something that fits your skillset. Something that you would be proud to tell others about.
What product should I develop first as new startup?

Sean Bair
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If you're using Google Chrome, the browser will often save details for you like email, address, phone number, name so that you don't have to type them every time.
Makers, how do you deal with repetetive form filling?
Djordje Dotlic
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Sean Bair
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Hello all! I've just launched ZooWho, a free personal CRM app. Right now we're working to get the word out and gather positive reviews so that others can know about our product. Would you mind trying the app and leaving a review on Apple or Android?
App Store:
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 9th of December)
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