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Really like how easy to use and yet so powerful this library is.
Played a bit with AnimateSharedLayout on the beta and seems such an OP feature!
Definitely recommend Framer Motion!
Framer Motion 2
Framer’s React animation library just got an upgrade

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Beautiful interface and nice usage of haptics :). Feels great on Pixel 4.

Breathing exercise for you to relax during this rough time

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Looking for feedback on homepage that I've reworked recently -
(anything related to design, message, improvements and so on)
Thank you!
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 4th of May)
Aaron O'Leary
Join the discussion

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I like it :)
Cool implementation, well made design.
Hope in the future we would see the products from the same brand (then brands grouped by parent company) and also by category (robotics, auto, smartphones, phones, etc)!
Idea: user cover images generated by using a mix of colors (gradient or so) from all products & brands used :P

A new community for sharing the products you use and ❤️

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Cool idea!
Any plans for SPA (eg: Reactjs) sites with no server side rendering?

Auto generate social media preview images

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It seems it doesn't work with content visible only when in viewport (via intersection observer). Other than that, great job! Works with React too.
Quick suggestion: set viewport width before capturing
Full Page Screen Capture
Generates a full-length web page screenshot for free

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I like the design and that it works with javascript / react websites!

Beautiful, auto-generating maker portfolios.

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What a great idea! You just created a new market!
dashdash (now Rows) Templates
Prebuilt customizable tools to access business data and APIs

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Hehe, there are products I haven't even knew they existed... nice project! gg

The Google Cemetery 2.0
Dead Google products and their alternatives 👻🎃

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Good idea. Already shared to people :)
Encyclopedia of naming conventions 💻

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Well, their trend to sell only bigger and bigger phones lost my interest more and more. And yes, I currently own the OnePlus 5 and got my hands on 5T, 6T, 7 Pro.
Also they have lots of RAM only for marketing reasons (on my 8GB device the apps keeps going out from memory).
OnePlus 7t
The newest flagship from OnePlus

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Very cool great looking collection!
One sugestion, navigate thru components gallery (eg: prev, next)
React Rainbow Components
Build your web application in a snap.