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Yousef Wadi
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Need some fake JSON data for your next development project? Our API has got you covered! Simply input your schema, and our tool will generate the data you need in no time. We strive to make your development process as easy and efficient as possible, so if you find our tool helpful, please give us an upvote! Your support means a lot to us and helps us continue to improve our service. Thanks for...

Fake Power
Generate fake JSON based on your schema with tons of data

A Powerful Fake [Realistic] Data generator that generates fake JSON responses based on a schema provided which can becomplex. It has a huge set of data from information about people, databases, fianances, credit card information, jargons and much more.

Fake Power
Generate fake JSON based on your schema with tons of data

In the age of pub/sub, sometimes you need a message to be distributed to multiple consumers based on topics but yet need the message to be treated with persistence and statuses (pending, active, delayed, failed & completed). This gave rise to CrimsonQ!

Publish messages to multiple queues

Yousef Wadi
left a comment
We have created this tool out of a burning need and decided to open-source this for the masses. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas, get contributors on-board and mostly see how you use this in your tech. stack.
It is an opensource product that we believe will help many developers around the world.

Publish messages to multiple queues