YETI is a next-generation innovative blockchain. And this is not just a marketing slogan! It is hard to tell what aspect of blockchain technology was left unchanged during the YETI development. We see the task of YETI not to be another decentralized bank or computer but to create a convenient and safe economic environment. Where the system will warn you if you try to send money to a smart contract that can be emptied by its owner. Where if you want to look into the logic of a smart contract, you do not have to be a developer to understand it. Where anyone, not even a programmer, may implement quite complex counterparty interactions. And where even the stolen seed phrase does not grant access to the user's funds.
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Gone streaking 5
Maker History
- YETI Web3.0 WalletEasy Access to Web3.0 and BlockchainMar 2023
Joined Product HuntMarch 16th, 2023