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  • Yang Bai

    Yang Bai

    building specific ai
    18 points
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    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
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    Any tools for image editing to do face perfection and portrait spot blending

    Got an idea to make a health keep product. Given a specified travel route, will generate the picture regarding the scenario spot and the user portrait. So any tools to - make face perfection/blurring from portrait uploaded - blend specified scenario spot with portrait generated Or has any tools already do it end to end
    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
    started a discussion

    Which do you prefer, single functionality or all-in-one package?

    Sometimes we want few functions focusing on single pin-point, but sometimes all-in-one seems a must-be feature. All-in-one spare more benefit to users while sacrifice the concentration. It depends. So which one do you prefer or you can name some product. For me a solid scenario all-in-one is more powerful because it benefits user the most. Of cource our big notion solves the writing needs...
    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
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    traditional culture. I get to learn it from now on
    Ghost Kitty
    What did you always want to learn but have never found the time for?
    +1 comment
    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
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    go through follow on events and people
    How do you start your work day?
    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
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    notion on the run
    Lodovico Sella
    What is your favorite tool for taking notes?
    Lodovico Sella
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    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
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    Help us to recognize and memorize
    Gaurav Goyal
    Do you realise we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in everyday life?
    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
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    obssessed by runway vedio cut mem.ai pocket personal knowledge graph
    Aaron O'Leary
    What's the coolest AI tool you've seen so far?
    Aaron O'Leary
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    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
    started a discussion

    Do sales record client info?

    We all are familiar with CRM and like system. It means much to sales manager because it helps to monitor leads and pipe transform. But are sales themselves motivated to record client info or it is not a preference for them to do the notes work
    Yang Bai
    Yang Bai
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    tour more
    Gizem Nur Keskin
    What's one piece of advice you'd give your younger self at the start of your career?
    Gizem Nur Keskin
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