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Connect with people on the opposite side of the political spectrum.

Talk to people on the opposite side of political spectrum

Instantly become a verified user on any site
The extension fills up sign up forms with a randomly generated email (as well as a username and a password).
Protect your privacy by getting a new email for every website.

Instantly become a verified user on any site

left a comment
The extension doesn't require any special permissions. Also, all of the code for the extension is available to see (just right click and "Inspect").
When you click "Fill It", it sends a requests to the server to get a random email, a username, and a password. And then, it fills up the form if it finds one (if it doesn't, you can just copy the email yourself and use it). Only an email is stored...

Instantly become a verified user on any site

Super simple chat which is also available as a browser extension
Password protected
Self-destructing messages
Just click a button and share the link with a friend
Simple chat which is also available as a browser extension

Watch videos, listen to music with other people simultaneously.
Control video player together.
Autoplayer enabled.
Live secure chat.
Works on every device.
Totally free.

Watch youtube with other people simultaneously

Like tinder but for music creators.
Get your music discovered.
Connect with other music creators.

Like tinder but for music creators - like tinder but for music creators.
Get your music discovered, discover new music, and connect with other music creators.
Let me know what you think or if you have any comments.
Thank you!

like Tinder but for finding new music