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Tatyana Kostrova
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Do you search for the definitions of the words, their examples of usage, synonyms or opposites? If you do, you probably do this using several dictionaries as all of them vary in content. Some of them please you with clear example sentences, others satisfy your thirst for more accurate definitions. This work requires you to enter the same word in each dictionary again and again with a long line...
Mimic Dictionary
Look up words in several online-dictionaries at a time
With this extension, you can:
- enter a word into the search box and look it up in the dictionaries from the list on the sidebar with one tab open
- select words on websites and look them up in the dictionaries through the context menu
Mimic Dictionary
Look up words in several online-dictionaries at a time
WordsTool allows custom-built vocabulary practice. Fill in fully editable word cards. Receive various exercises based on your cards. Manage the way you practice by choosing the exercises you like and scheduling your learning process.
Teach and learn words with custom word cards and exercises