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List O'Links gives you a beautifully formatted page to share links that you collect: blog/news articles, Videos, Podcasts, products you want to recommend, or any other online content! Privacy is paramount - your data is secured by the blockchain.

List O'Links
Create and Share Blockchain-based Lists of Links

William Chen
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Hi - maker of Cabinet Maps here. I found myself needing to create maps for events (so visitors can see related locations all in one place), and while you can do this in Google Maps, you don't get a nice webpage where you can see everything together.
Would love to hear any suggestions - the app is free, and you can either keep your map private or share it publicly.

Cabinet Maps
Create and Share Maps that respect your Privacy

Do you need to create a map for an event or for your business? Cabinet Maps lets you create and share custom maps for free! Add placemarks and descriptions and get a beautiful webpage. See a sample map of Boston Area Surf Shops -

Cabinet Maps
Create and Share Maps that respect your Privacy

William Chen
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HI! I'm the maker of Culinary. It's an online cookbook where you can store recipes, except the data is decentralized, meaning each user's data is stored separately, in a place only accessible to the user. It uses Blockstack for authentication.
Culinary is free! The decentralized storage is provided as a part of the Blockstack platform, and developers are paid via the App Mining program, of...

A blockchain-secured cookbook with easily sharable recipes

William Chen
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HI! I'm the maker of Codelets. It's similar to Github Gists, except the data is decentralized, meaning each user's data is stored separately, in a place only accessible to the user. It uses Blockstack for authentication
Codelets is free! The decentralized storage is provided as a part of the Blockstack platform, and developers are paid via the App Mining program, of which ProductHunt support...

Blockchain-secured code snippets manager with easy sharing

Codelets is for coders, scientists or anyone who needs to remember and retype code (even you, Excel users!). It uses the Blockstack platform, meaning that your data is secure, protected and only accessible by you! Sample shared codelet -

Blockchain-secured code snippets manager with easy sharing

Culinary is simple and easy to use, and runs on the Blockstack platform, meaning that your data is secure, protected and only accessible by you! i.e. there are no servers scanning your data.
See a sample shared recipe - French Fried Rice

A blockchain-secured cookbook with easily sharable recipes

William Chen
left a comment
Hello! It's difficult to make a "decentralized" app, because there is no central database to keep everything organized. I had to think in a slightly different way to make this app user friendly and to keep the data organized. But, there is the benefit that, as a user, you control and retain access to your own data. It is not scanned and aggregated with other peoples' data, nor is it sold off to...

Make decentralised lists for any purpose

Lists lets you make lists, and save them online. What kind of lists?
- Who is present (Attendance)
- What you are grateful for (Gratitude)
- Which products are in stock (Inventory)
- What you want to do in life (Bucket)
- Who is naughty and nice (Santa)

Make decentralised lists for any purpose