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The 3rd edition of Easy Laravel 5 is in beta, and with it comes a new companion project named HackerPair. HackerPair is an event discovery service for programmers who wish to meet and learn from one another. The project demonstrates Laravel features such as model relationships, form requests, Bootstrap 4 integration, automated testing, and more.

A new companion project for the popular book Easy Laravel 5

Five PHP books for $25
Get five of the best books on PHP programming for only $25

LaraBrain - Laravel Community Tips Site with Site Source Code Available
LaraBrain is a Laravel tips and tricks community resource

The 3rd edition of Easy Laravel 5 is now available in beta. The book has been updated for Laravel 5.5, and expanded to include coverage of Vue, deployment using Envoyer, testing, notifications, and other Laravel features. Readers master Laravel by loosely following along with the development of a feature-packed companion project named HackerPair.

Easy Laravel 5
A hands on introduction to Laravel

Easy E-Commerce with Laravel and Stripe
Learn how to build a Stripe & Laravel powered online store.