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Will Imholte
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Okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I have thoughts about Halo, but mostly I'm wondering if anyone from Product Hunt is playing. My GT is MacDjinn and I don't get a ton of time to play, but send me a thingy and lets own up on some people.

Halo 5: Guardians
Master Chief returns, natch. Focus on co-op and big battles.

Will Imholte
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This looks incredible—anyone in SF have a copy?

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Coop VR bomb defusal: You have the bomb, he has the manual

Will Imholte
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"Mobile devices are for consumption" says every jerk from 2008. But seriously, Coda is my favorite 'pro' app (in that it's an app I use for stuff that makes me money). Diet Coda (the previous version of Coda for iOS was great, and this is too.

Coda for iOS by Panic
Incredibly powered text editor for iOS

Will Imholte
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I swear I'm not posting this entirely because of the kick-ass name. A few months ago I was telling my friend that I missed a classic game my grandpa had on his computer when I was growing up (needless sidenote: he had a track ball and windows so visiting was like traveling to another tech world from my mouse/mac setup at home). We both loved Chip's Challenge and after thirty seconds of...

Will's World
Classic game "Chip's Challenge" remade for iOS

Will's World
Classic game "Chip's Challenge" remade for iOS

Will Imholte
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Awesome! I just downloaded and have noticed that it's a bit tricky to place tiles on my iPhone 5 (though by level three I started getting the hang of it, and it's not actually hard, just a few mis-placements)—lots of little touches that really seal this game as great, the first I noticed was that you could switch two tiles place by dropping one on the other. The first 10 levels or so do a great...

Stylish Puzzle game with tweet-able in-built level editor

Will Imholte
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This lead me to SAP1 which was awesome. It's been a while since I played a browser flash game with this depth. Was pretty silly but also fun.

Super Adventure Pals 2
Travel the land and battle monsters with your pet giraffe

Will Imholte
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Having grown up on Starcraft defense maps it's really hard for me to get into these purpose built games since they seem to all rely on subtly different mechanics.
My favorite starcraft defense maps all involved routing, which made the gameplay far more interesting. Anyone know of good/modern defense games that include routing?

Kingdom Rush Frontiers
The world's most devilishly addictive defense game

Will Imholte
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The white on white mode is actually pretty interesting but I guess that makes the crazy parts of this seem that much more insane.

Yoko Chess
Yoko Ono ‘re-purposing’ Chess for the 21st century

Will Imholte
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According to the Steam Machine (great name) will have have upgradable CPU, memory, HDD, and wireless cards—seems odd to me that it wouldn't include a replaceable GPU in that?

Alienware Steam Machine
Combines the awesome experience of console gaming with a PC.

Will Imholte
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When the first Just Cause came out I downloaded the demo thinking the name was a shortened version of "Just because" and of course it totally is. The new wing suit and grappling hook stuff look pretty sweet.
Anyone at E3 now get a chance to play it?

Just Cause 3
The island returns

Will Imholte
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In the WarGames Vidoc 343 gave a bit more info about the weapon drop system, it looks like a combo of meta-game leveling and in-match leveling. It might be cool, but I was worried by the designers line "instead of sitting in the spot where the scorpion will spawn, I bring my own scorpion"—The best Halo games relied on weapon and vehicle placement in conjunction with map design to make the map...

Halo 5: Guardians
Master Chief returns, natch. Focus on co-op and big battles.

Will Imholte
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I was just commenting to a friend that I was sick of post-apocalyptic-alternate-1950s games, indie games with soft lighting and floating monsters, and frenetic pixel art sidescrollers.
It's wonderful to see a game like this and I think it was wise to keep the gameplay understandable. I'd love to see lots of behind the scenes stuff from this game, I bet the art process was interesting.

A run-and-gun with a 1930s art style, coming 2016

Will Imholte
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@thetylerhayes (and anyone else in the bay area) wanna play another game of Quadopoly* sometime soon?
*I may have invented this game.

The Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game

Will Imholte
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Do we need to write our telegrams with an olde timey "STOP" after every sentence or is that taken care of in the software for us?
I'm fine with replacing the actual wire service with data over the internet, but some traditions I must cling to.

Order a telegram, hand delivered and read aloud (SF only)

Will Imholte
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This site is so incomprehensible.

Guitar Hero Live
You are the rock star (pre-order)

Will Imholte
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Is this site buggy for anyone else? Before I could read the main content I had a popover asking (I think) for a Facebook Like (gross) and before I could fully read it/dismiss it it was replaced with a different popover showing Seinfeld and a coupon code. Then I gave up and came here to be snarky.

Have a perfectly tucked in shirt all day long

Will Imholte
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How cool are glasses with no arms? Very cool. That's how cool.

Thin Optics iPhone case
Best iPhone case w/reading glasses