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new social app" "what's really on your mind?"

William Fitzgerald
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Here's some more info about this network:

People Power
ACLU's new resistance grassroots organizing network

People Power
ACLU's new resistance grassroots organizing network

William Fitzgerald
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A great way to direct all the rage into direct action. Top orgs on board. nice job.

Rage Donate
Use that rage to fight back #ragedonate

Video story telling platform allows anyone to made a story

Google App to label data such as images, translations, etc

William Fitzgerald
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Seems really smart. email newsletters are great driver of traffic for publishers and i'm wondering if you've any idea whether it'd be possible for publishers to do something like this? based on how many of the subscribers' facebook friends or people they follow on twitter (eg. nuzzel) share the article. any thoughts on whether that'd be possible or is PH different from publishers because people...

Product Hunt Daily
A daily digest of the best of Product Hunt w/ your friends 💌

Mission Fire survivor support
48 people lost homes in mission district yesterday.

changing the way health sector works

William Fitzgerald
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This will make it much easier for city planners to understand building in the city. I showed this to a San Francisco realtor who said: "I took a test drive and signed up, of course much user friendlier than the city site and I love the alerts! Great tool…………am going to share?"

Buildingeye San Francisco
1.3m building permits (since 1960) now searchable

Buildingeye San Francisco
1.3m building permits (since 1960) now searchable

William Fitzgerald
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Frisco Five
Five San Franciscans on day 14 of hunger strike vs SFPD

Frisco Five
Five San Franciscans on day 14 of hunger strike vs SFPD

William Fitzgerald
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For people in Hong Kong: Handy way to find out what data ISPs and telcos in HK have about you

Access My Info Hong Kong
find out what telcos and ISPs know about you in hong kong

Access My Info Hong Kong
find out what telcos and ISPs know about you in hong kong

William Fitzgerald
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Gavin Sheridan (@gavinsblog) is the Founder. No one has built an all encompassing tool for making legal research easier yet. Given Gavin's experience (, he's well positioned to do it.

Viz Legal
building the ultimate tool for legal research

Viz Legal
building the ultimate tool for legal research

Hindi language mobile news app - from @rajneilkamath