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Weiting Xu
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My name is W EIT 1-N6 🧐🤝👩🏻💻

Elon Musk name generator
If Elon were your dad, what would your name be?

Weiting Xu
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What a wonderful product! A friend recommended Blush this morning. I tried it and it's absolutely delightful. I love it.
Illustrations for everyone

Weiting Xu
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Just tried a couple of them and it actually works on my face! All the default ones were showing half my face so this is a nifty little tool to help backgrounds without Googling! Good work team. 💪

Zoom Background
1000+ free crowdsourced backgrounds for your next meeting

Weiting Xu
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Thank you very much for this! I've shared it with some Product Managers in my network and folks who I've worked with in the past.
Hoping to mark tips in here against how I did as a manager vs. as a direct report, very soon.
The Art of Meeting With Your Manager
How to leverage 1-on-1s to achieve career hyper-growth ⚡

Weiting Xu
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Hello @ndduong, is the site still live? I tried to access it but it's not working!
Product Graveyard
Commemorating the most memorable dead products