Jaime Creixems

Jaime Creixems

Design Advocate at Sketch
41 points
All activity
Jaime Creixems
Not just a milestone—but a massive update that improves every part of Sketch's performance & experience.

If you're designing, you owe it to yourself to check all the good stuff and great things we added and improved since the last time you tried Sketch.
Sketch 100
Sketch 100
Better prototypes, a redesigned web app & more
Jaime Creixems
A quick & easy card builder where you can create a custom message and share it with anyone. Select your choices, create the card and share it.
The Fuck Card
The Fuck Card
Express those feelings the way you need to.
Jaime Creixems
Problemar.io es un espacio para compartir esos problemas con los que lidiamos día a día y encontrar apoyo, soluciones e ideas para resolverlos utilizando la tecnología como herramienta.
Un boletín semanal con problemas por resolver
Jaime Creixems
Progress News Channel
Progress News Channel
A curated Telegram Channel about the progress of mankind.
Jaime Creixems
A Pay Me page using Stripe.