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Ken Kaczmarek
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Hi fellow hunters! Thanks you @scottgo24325629 for hunting us!
I'm one of the makers of There are a lot of great tools that integrate API data between systems, but fewer that simply let you grab full data sets from your CRMs, eCommerce systems, etc. We've built to make this easy, all from the comfort of your spreadsheet.
We'd love it if you'd give a spin. To this...
On-demand data from webservices directly in your spreadsheet - On-demand data from web services, directly in your spreadsheet. Turn any API, file or database table into a custom enrichment function for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. For an immediate, working example, see:
On-demand data from webservices directly in your spreadsheet

Ken Kaczmarek
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This is really well done @td_evans; particularly impressive is capturing all the onboarding steps. I've done (and continue to do) this stuff for my own needs, but this is a really nice resource to have in one place
(And, as an aside, just signed up for EO last week -- you had a really nice onboarding experience and look forward to digging in with the product in the next couple weeks. One...

Look at that SaaS
Inspiration and resources for SaaS founders

Ken Kaczmarek
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Well, I think this product wins for the most insufferable kickstarter video ever.
Fatal flaw, as with others trying to be better than a growler, is that tap rooms aren't going to fill non-growlers (or, moreso these days, crowlers).

A convenient plug-and-pour craft beer experience

Ken Kaczmarek
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heh, this is clever. Based on the title, I was thinking "oh, great, yet another data repository tool" (along the lines of many #opendata repositories over the years). A directory of crowdsourced google sheets is quite interesting. There is a lot of value in curated lists like these.
Data repositories are tricky because you get deluged with all kinds of random data sets. Or, to put it...
Explore community-curated spreadsheets.

Ken Kaczmarek
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Looks great; I like the take on dataviz-as-api! Where do you see yourself differentiated most from folks doing (or did) similar things (I see hints of the old datahero and silk as well as more formal dashboard companies like klipfolio, etc.

Reflect Public Beta
Data visualization as a service

Ken Kaczmarek
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Wow, these look gorgeous. I couldn't tell from a quick look at the site -- is the data always static or could I push data in via API? Our startup ( is doing cloud-based data pipes and we've been pushing data into things like google maps embedded on a web page and wondering if I could something similar here?
Editable data visualizations for the web

Ken Kaczmarek
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The 24-hour turnaround once-per-week is a cool concept; but to do that, you're gonna need a *LOT* of heat for the compost cycle. In addition to the hefty price tag, there is going to be a ton of energy cost associated with it. Reminds me of the "brew beer in one unit" concepts... nice idea, but ill-fated.
For those who like the idea of kitchen compost for cheap, vermicomposting can be done...

Food scraps today, fertilizer tomorrow

Ken Kaczmarek
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Love the concept! Data collaboration is still in the dark ages (email, sftp, csv, etc.). Do you have (or are you planning to have) an API to grab data sets? We're working on an web-based data prep/etl tool and love the idea of helping others connect to and use opendata (or pipe into
The social network for data people

Ken Kaczmarek
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Great to see this! We're building a data piping tool ( and I can say from many conversations I've had that there is a hole in the market for a single place that manages collaboration and a way for people to not just publish results, but the steps to those results. Right now it seems to be mostly a mishmash of random data portals, github, email and whether someone is technical...
Home to Research

Ken Kaczmarek
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Wow; this is a great resource. Just did a manual project of finding comps for various pages for our site and this would have come in handy.

Product Pages
Curated directory of the best product pages

Ken Kaczmarek
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Nice! Always great to find a good source of sample data. I presume you are just giving the data set free for testing -- but is there any license associated with it for reuse/publishing (say, showing in a demo video, etc.)?
Also, it looks like those movie listings are from the glory days of the Roman Empire? ;)

The smart way to generate random data for your projects.

Ken Kaczmarek
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Great to see this. I do this rec rec manually; from my research there is a huge hole for automated revenue recognition at a reasonable price point. My two "off-system" reconciliations that I do are rev recogntion and credit card expense managment -- if Sway can solve these two, it should be a no brainer even for folks with an accounting background.
I poked around the website -- do you have...

Sway Finance
Automated accounting for SaaS companies

Ken Kaczmarek
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Rattatas and Pidgeys... gotta catch 'em all, every time.

Find all Pokemon near you in real time for Pokemon Go.

Ken Kaczmarek
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Wow, impressed by the amount of content you're pumping out here daily. Nice work. Seems as if much of the content is covering wide-ranging structural business topics across a range of functions (e.g., pricing, revenue recognition), but from an analytics perspective. Who do you see as your target audience (and, if different, that of Outlier?)

The Data Driven Daily
Daily ideas for using data to make better business decisions

Ken Kaczmarek
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This is a very nice implementation; I've always used -- which is certainly functional. However, I absolutely hate that I need to use a drop-down to find, say Paris, deep down in the list (or identify a city that is close to the smaller city I'm calling). TimeZoneNinja is very slick and seems to be at least 5x as fast to get what I need.

Scheduling meetings around the world just got easy

Ken Kaczmarek
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I've always like this spin with data, which enables people to provide some narrative alongside publishing a dataviz or repository.
How would you compare yourself to what Silk is doing? And, per your pricing, looks like you are enteprise-focused... how do you see yourself sitting next to the Tableau's and numerous BI tools of the world?
Tell stories with data

Ken Kaczmarek
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The data storage related to iMessage is quite opaque (if you send/receive a lot of photos/video, it eats up a huge portion total storage space). Is it possible to add, say, total space used plus the top 10 iMessage threads per MB used? I think this would provide actionable analytics for people always bumping into their phone storage limit.

iMessage Analyzer
Analytics for your iMessage!