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David Walker
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Searching for clean meme templates used to make me feel old. My wife said it was normal to experience this crushing feeling of impending irrelevance. But I knew there had to be a better way. So I talked to my doctor about Antimatter. Now, fitting in is painless! I just think of the meme I want, and boom!—I appear 6-7 years younger on the internet.
I've been on the clinical trial of Antimatter...

Reverse Meme Search
Wipe text from any meme and collect templates

We could all use a fun surprise right now. For $25 Pandemic Santa checks out your Instagram and sends you something rad. If 100 people enter, someone wins a $1000 Amazon gift card.

Pandemic Santa
A personalized surprise and a chance at $1K Amazon gift card

David Walker
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I sent my buddy a gift, and he returned the favor. It was a great break from the isolation boredom. I'd like to share that feeling with anyone who needs it right now. 🎅🦠 And hey, if enough people sign up someone gets a $1000 Amazon gift card. I mean, I'd do it.

Pandemic Santa
A personalized surprise and a chance at $1K Amazon gift card

David Walker
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Last week I was at my mother-in-law's and saw an eBates check on her kitchen counter. I told her about Lolli and she jumped right in. She was always interested in bitcoin, but was apparently intimidated by the whole thing. I get it. Mom stuff. She will not be saying 'stacking sats' anytime soon tho.
Lolli for Firefox
Earn free bitcoin when you shop online

David Walker
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Asking me to shop (v good at that) before asking that I grasp the concept of a 34 character alphanumeric 'address' is super smart. Designing for minimal mental investment is what's gonna push crypto past single digit adoption. Impressive.
Earn bitcoin when you shop online

David Walker
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We at Carrot built Devil's Advocate to be the best party game for Apple TV. In short, the group is fed a provocative statement, they debate it, and then individually guess whether the moderator agrees or disagrees with it; wagering points accordingly.
Rather than using the iPhone's sensors to recreate Wii-like interactions, the device is used for input, much like a deck of cards. Yet fear...

Devil's Advocate for Apple TV
Arguably the best party game for Apple TV

Devil's Advocate for Apple TV
Arguably the best party game for Apple TV

David Walker
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It's absolutely delicious, it comes in a wine bottle, and you won't spend more than $25 on it.

Corner Creek
The preferred whiskey of thousandaires everywhere.

Corner Creek
The preferred whiskey of thousandaires everywhere.