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A great resource and guide for developers! Justin has an unique way to explain product and marketing management, and understands developers like no other product manager. The Marketing for Developers is a no-brainer, a must!

Marketing for Developers 2.0
A book for programmers who want to learn marketing

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I backed this project last week, as soon as I heard about it. The team has been keeping all backers up to date, and its numbers are increasing insanely!
When I showed my daughter what she'll get for her birthday in September, her smile brightened and she keeps asking me to play the video again and again (probably until receiving her Cubetto!).
No doubt this is a HUGE hit.
A hands-on programming language for kids aged 3 and up.

BrandBallers #43 - Carl's Brand Building Experience with YouTube
Unexpectedly building a brand with YouTube

Brandballers #42 - Mike's hacker experience
How Mike built his brand in an unexpected way...

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Great to hear some tips from Mike on how to write a video script!

BrandBallers - #40 - Mike's first draft of a video script
Behind the scenes of making a promo video

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I have used Hours 2.0 during its testing, and I couldn't praise it more. It became one of the most vital tools within my day, I use it to control the time I spent on work projects and family tasks/chores. The reports give me a fantastic overview of where do I spent most of my time, allowing me to shift my focus as I see fit. It really is perfect to understand my day-to-day activities both...

Hours 2.0
The time tracker you will actually use. Now on the web.

BrandBallers: Ep 11
3 tips on how you can build momentum no matter the network

BrandBallers Episode 10 - About Page of Your Website is a BIG Deal!
Which is the second most important page of your website?

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This seems to offer an excellent solution. However, the Slack integration does not work as described, and has not been updated for almost 6 months despite the comments. Any chance it gets fixed? I really think this is a good product, and for us that detail would make it excellent :)

HappyFox Chat
Live chat software for websites

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I have purchased most of @scrivs products through and and they have provided me such immense value in my projects, far above what I paid for. The knowledge toolset and vibrant supportive community behind these courses just makes it irresistible for me to also get this product! Honestly, @scrivs could charge way more and I'd still be satisfied.

The 24-Hour Idea Validation Course
Idea validation to paying customers in 24 hours

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If you take the other Makers Cabin schools in consideration, this iOS 9 Full Stack School is going to be off-the-chains!
I can't recommend enough their courses, even though I already develop apps for iOS I still joined this school as I know it will provide a nice student community with tips and help you hardly can get somewhere else.

The Full Stack iOS 9 School
From design to development in 3 months

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I have read Paul's books and his courses are fantastic, helped me out a lot! Together with Jamie, this one seems to be another winner, so I'm definitely getting it.

Get out of your own way & start creating.

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This is way more then a course, it is like a complete school for web developers!
Not only for beginners, but also ideal for established web developers (like me) who have experience in several frameworks but who want to increment their knowledge portfolio.
And it goes beyond: coupled with an active slack community, I was able to get excellent tips from a fun and relaxed group of "colleagues"....

The Full Stack Web School
Daily videos to help you build your own web.