Ahuwanya Victor

Ahuwanya Victor

SAAS developer
18 points
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Ahuwanya Victor
FindIdeas by Virock turns real complaints from Reddit into product ideas. Discover unmet needs, spark innovation, and create solutions people actually want. Perfect for developers, entrepreneurs, and creators looking to build impactful products.
Get product ideas from people's complaints on Reddit.
Ahuwanya Victor
Ahuwanya Victor
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Check out FIndIdeas if you need ideas of problems to solve.
Get product ideas from people's complaints on Reddit.
Ahuwanya Victor
ForumLeadsFinder analyses conversations on forums and social media and then directs clients who have pain points your business can fix directly to you.
A supernatural leads generator
Ahuwanya Victor
Backlinks are super important when working to get your website/app to the top spot in search engines. Linklasso will automatically submit your SAAS to startup directories so you can get backlinks.
App that automates submission of SAAS to startup directories
Ahuwanya Victor
Ever been in a situation where you can’t remember a word? You know what the word means but not the word itself? Give Reverse Dictionary the description and it will return the words you are looking for.
Reverse Dictionary
Reverse Dictionary
Gets words that best describe the given description.
Ahuwanya Victor
Are you in a ton of subreddits and want to leave them? Doing that manually is a pain. Beleave enables you to mark the subreddits you want to leave and simply click "Leave Communities". It's that simple.
Helps users leave multiple subreddits at once.
Ahuwanya Victor
I noticed that Spotify kept playing the same 10 songs in my playlist even though shuffle was enabled, so I built Virtual Shuffle to take control of Spotify and play truly random tracks from my Spotify playlists/albums/artists, etc.
Virtual Shuffle
Virtual Shuffle
Android app that forces Spotify to play truly random tracks
Ahuwanya Victor
Ahuwanya Victor
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Marketing is more important than the product.
Eugenia Bud
If you were to give only 1 piece of advice to those who are launching, what would it be?