ManyPixels is an unlimited design service for modern startups, agencies, and freelancers who need constant design help.

Share your business' problems & let someone build a solution!
The idea is simple:
😃 Tell the world about your startup
🤔 Write 1 problem your startup is currently facing
💡 Suggest a solution to your startup problem
💰 Tell the world how much you would be willing to pay for it
👷 Someone might build a startup around that proven problem

🤔 Problem: To be a succesful bootstrapped entrepreneur I need to:
📌 Learn from other bootstrapped founders.
📌 Build my skills about sales/marketing/customer needs.
📌 Be accountable - in order to hit my goals
😍 Solution:
📌 Profile pages where you can update your goals
📌 Private facebook group
📌 Premium content
📌 Interviews