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Vincent Cotro
left a comment
Thank you all for your feedbacks !
I am one of the contributor of the project.
Feel free to send us your remarks or issue on github to make it better 😀

React Ultimate Resume
A modern resume built with React and JSONResume

react-ultimate-resume is an open-source customizable software developer resume to highlight your skills and experiences.
Discover a modern approach of the traditional CV that includes animations and latest front-end technologies

React Ultimate Resume
A modern resume built with React and JSONResume

Vincent Cotro
left a comment
Very nice widget but it seems that the backend is down. I get the error ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALIDCan you fix it ? Thank you again for the work :)Also, it would be amazing to open source the project.
Pros: Beautiful designCustomizable
Cons: Not open source

Medium Widget
Unofficial articles feed widget for Medium