Ville Immonen

Ville Immonen

Software developer working on CollabKit
164 points
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Ville Immonen
CollabKit lets developers add collaboration as a feature to their SaaS app. With a our React SDK, you can seamlessly integrate commenting into your UI in a few hours. Increase growth and engagement by letting users work together as a team inside your product.
Add collaboration to your SaaS app
Ville Immonen
Preview release of web support in Expo! Using React Native you can rapidly develop native apps, websites, trusted web apps (TWAs), desktop and mobile PWAs. This uses react-native-web, which was created by Nicolas Gallagher to build the Twitter mobile website.
Expo for Web Preview
Expo for Web Preview
Build once, deploy everywhere... beta release
Ville Immonen

Expo enables you to build cross-platform native apps using only JavaScript.

In addition to React Native components, you'll have access to the Expo SDK, a library that provides a wide range of native APIs on iOS and Android. Expo can also manage assets for you, handle push notifications, and build your native binary for submission to the app store.

Expo 2.0
Expo 2.0
The fastest way to build an iOS and Android app 📱
Ville Immonen
GraphQL backend as a service