Vedant Khairnar

Vedant Khairnar

Developer Advocate @Juspay, @hyperswitch
1 point


"Innovative, forward-thinking, avid-explorer, problem solver, and enthusiast Biker with exceptional logical, management, and analytical skills." I am Vedant, a DEVeloper Advocate and a community guy with an experience in a variety of tech domains namely, AI, WebDev, DevOps, Salesforce, etc. On the other hand, I am also a community guy. - Built DevScript community from scratch and today it has become a family of 20k+ members. - Organiser of GDG Cloud Nagpur, built a community of 8k+ members in 5 months. My ultimate goal in life is to solve real-life problems, and not reinvent the wheel. Reach out to me if you want to talk about technology, business, and music. Well, feel free to talk to me about anything as I am a good listener.


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Gone streaking 10
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