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I think elon(twitter) should keep it free who are not earning any money from it.
What do you think about Twitter API becoming paid? Any alternatives
Richard Gao
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Your Own Smart Business Card!
Your own Smart Card
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Your Own Smart Business Card!
Starting at just $19. Free shipping worldwide.
Your own Smart Card
Get your own tap and share smart card.

Services for Startups, SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Web Traffic.
Services for Startups, SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media.

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Services for Startups, SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Web Traffic.
Services for Startups, SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media.

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TinyAcquisitions → Telegram
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Got an idea? Open Telegram and search the domains on StartuppBot.
Got an idea? Open Telegram and search the domains on StartuppBot.
Startupp Domains
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Coming up with innovative ideas is hard and time-consuming.
Instead, you could implement an existing product which already has demand.
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Pre-Validated Apps
10k+ Pre-Validated Apps Database

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Search Domains for your next Startup🚀
Got an idea? Open Telegram and search the domains on StartuppBot.
Checkout and let us know your feedback!
Startupp Domains
Search domains for your next startup on Telegram

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Get startups to ACQUIRE on telegram daily sourced from!
P.S: It's an unofficial channel.
TinyAcquisitions → Telegram
Explore new startups to Acquire on Telegram daily!

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A list of more than 10,000 popular but poorly executed apps.
This list is perfect for those who are looking for new project ideas or for those who want to know the market better.
It's hard to build things when you don't know if people will need it or not.
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Pre-Validated Apps
10k+ Pre-Validated Apps Database

Discover Startup🚀 launches from all over the web🌎, everyday!
It captures startups from
It captures startups from
Discover startup launches from all over the web, everyday

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Discover Startup launches🚀 from all over the web🌎, everyday!
😎One place to checkout all the startup launches.
😬Check it out and let me know your feedback!
Discover startup launches from all over the web, everyday

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We have launched v2 of - The newspaper of the 21st century. Check it out! 2.0
The News of 21st Century

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