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Lucas Lindsey
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Been interacting with the Tellus team a lot via Twitter and just have to say they are engaged, thoughtful, and clearly motivated to talk and listen to potential customers. I work in RE and see multi family in our future. Definitely considering this product as a management tool.

Tellus 2.0
The ultimate real estate management platform

New Years Resolutions, lol is a small page devoted to sharing a commitment to those promises you usually never keep during the year. Tweet your resolutions, get a commitment out in public to keep yourself accountable.

New Years Resolutions, lol
2018 is here. Share your resolutions with the world!

DonutMap is a made from scratch map of the world's best donut shops. Find the top independent donut shops near you.

We're baking up a map of the world's best donut shops.

Lucas Lindsey
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Recently interviewed @JoshDoody about the intersection of entrepreneurship and writing. This guy's on top of his game right now. Love seeing Fearless Salary Negotiation diversified into multiple super useful mediums. Josh, it always seems like compensation packages are a black box. Everyone keeps it on the DL, so where should people go to research compensation, even if it's just to get a sense...

Salary Upgrade Toolkit
Get paid what you're worth

Drone Law Today - Drone Taxes & Startups w/ JR Sims
Discussion of drone taxation and startup communities

Lucas Lindsey
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Well this seems stressful. Gloriously wonderfully stressful.

A writing app that deletes everything if you stop typing

Lucas Lindsey
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And of course, in my haste, I mistyped the title. Apologies to Claire Vaye Watkins!

Gold Game Citrus
A fictional journey through drought stricken Southwest USA

Lucas Lindsey
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User since invite beta here. It's not quite a one-stop shop, but This. is packed full of quality. It's where I go to dig up the diamonds in the rough.

Each member can share just one link a day.

Lucas Lindsey
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Book #1 of the #52bookchallenge. Moments of brilliance, peppered with poetry, but at the end of the day a little too fast and loose with prose and plot and narrative for my liking.

Gold Game Citrus
A fictional journey through drought stricken Southwest USA

Gold Game Citrus
A fictional journey through drought stricken Southwest USA

Tactical Urbanism: Short-Term Action for Long-Term Change
Lean startup for urban development

Above the Fold Primary
Daily look at front page news in early primary states

Lucas Lindsey
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You've got my attention, and potentially a whole boat load of my quarters.

Discover the world’s best journalism with one account

Lucas Lindsey
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I know we're all getting our meals delivered and 3D printed and soylented and generally warped in from the future, but in case you're still interested in putting your kitchen to work this is a hilarious and entertaining cookbook with some great recipes.

Thug Kitchen
Eat like you give a f*ck

Thug Kitchen
Eat like you give a f*ck

Lucas Lindsey
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Relevant to this discussion, recent post by Mahesh VC: This Is Why Being A Mobile App Developer Is Really Hard

How to Build a Billion Dollar App
Guide to building an app-based business

Lucas Lindsey
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Since 1920 (!), The Elements of Style has stood as the ultimate reference for grammar, style, and composition. Its advice is timeless, especially for copywriters and content creators.
A sample: "Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no...

The Elements of Style
The classic no-nonsense style guide for writers

The Elements of Style
The classic no-nonsense style guide for writers

Lucas Lindsey
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Wandered through DC over the weekend and stumbled, with luck, into a finely curated little bookstore. On the shelf, alone, sat Stoner, a fifty year old novel that sold a meager 2,000 books when it first published. Rediscovered in 2003, it's now been called the "perfect novel." It is quiet, severe, and powerful. And it's rocketed up to the top tier of any novel I've ever read. A real pleasure....

Stoner: A Novel
The unforgettable tale of a forgettable college professor

Stoner: A Novel
The unforgettable tale of a forgettable college professor