All activity

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I actually did this from my phone in less than 10 minutes. Seems to work for

Pretty URLs & custom domain for Notion, free & open source

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Where's the export function? Are the songs locked inside the app?

Wavejam: Collaborative Music
Song Maker Recording Studio.

Vinyl Me, Please’s second book all about record stores. “After two years (almost to the day), hundreds of pitches, countless emails, a thoughtful foreword by the Mark Farina, we are so proud to bring you The 50 Best Record Stores In The United States.”

The 50 Best Record Stores In The US
New Vinyl Me, Please coffee table book

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Heads up, the login with email text field doesn’t play nice with iOS keyboard shortcuts.

Unit Notes for iOS
A note-taking app focused on organization.

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This is a great idea, but it is actually a pretty hostile first experience.
It’s not clear that there is no free “tier” or that nearly all functionality will be stripped without a subscription. As an example there’s no way to skip the subscribe screen on first use—unless you force quit and reopen.
Not signing up for a subscription, I saved a link from twitter to LaterBin but was unable to...

Better bookmarking

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Been looking at QC 35, the PXC 550, and now these. Curious that everyone says Bose is still the best for noise canceling but the competing products are still more $. Sound may be a little better but since these headphones are mostly for commuters seems strange. Would definitely love to try these first.

Sony MDR-1000X Headphones
Bluetooth, noise-cancelling headphones that rival Bose

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@umyra3 your description is great, but why is "active" in quotes? Sounds suggestive.

5F - Find Fit Friends
Tinder for more “active” people. Find Sport Buddies.

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(Won't add to media, but) Here's the video preview:

CM Security for iOS
Protect your photos

CM Security for iOS
Protect your photos

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I'm sold, but can't buy. Can't wait for a way to buy outside SF.

Beach Coffee
Coffee cold brewed in coconut water

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I have no doubt someone orders the $100k but it seems a little prohibitively high. Why the specific $$ levels? Was part of the goal exclusivity?

Products at the intersection of art, design, culture & tech

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Surprised this didn't get seen by PH community

TRNTBL by vnyl
The world's first wireless turntable

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This is so rad. Pretty sure I would have used this to death in highschool

The music keyboard - create and send music via sms

Vinta Camera Bags
New line of handmade camera bags

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Use WeChat instead of Slack for work in company setting. Interesting to see a move in this direction.

WeChat Enterprise
WeChat's Slack competitor arrives in China

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I wonder if there's a way to get around the small amount of text from a picture or screenshot? Is it possible to paste a link in the app and then get a summary of the whole article?

Get a summary of virtually anything in seconds

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Love the idea but 3rd party keyboards are still too clunky on iOS. Any thoughts on how Apple could improve them?

AudioShot Keyboard 2.0
Now with Apple Music, SoundCloud, and emojis!