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Thijs van As
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Really cool, and such an effortless experience!

Generate engaging educational podcasts from any documents

Thijs van As
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Wow! 🤯 Incredibly impressive, can't wait to see all the ways this will be used. Congrats on the launch!
Conversational Replicas by Tavus
Build with real-time digital twins that speak, see & hear is the easiest-to-use Zapier alternative, now with 3 new flexible ways to incorporate AI in your automations.
Paired with Human-in-the-Loop steps, you get all the benefits of AI but still keep the control and oversight you need to feel confident.
AI powered automations

Thijs van As
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Wow, love how easy you've made this for onboarding new team members!

Create a GPT chatbot for any GitHub repo in just 30 seconds

Thijs van As
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Congrats on the launch! This looks super promising, will check it out!

True AI
Become an internet citizen, every website more powerful

Workflow automation beyond triggers and actions with one-click AI assistance, human-in-the-loop collaboration, and a multiplayer experience
Workflow automation beyond triggers and actions

Thijs van As
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Gmail Add-ons provide a completely new way of integrating your app's functionality into Gmail, right when your users need it most.
Natively on Android, iOS and web.
Gmail Add-ons will be generally available later this year, but today you can sign up for the Developer Preview.
Gmail Add-ons
Work with your favorite business apps directly in Gmail

Gmail Add-ons let you improve workflows by allowing users to take care of tasks without leaving Gmail. Partners who have built Gmail Add-ons you can install today include Asana, Dialpad and Trello.
Gmail Add-ons
Work with your favorite business apps directly in Gmail