I tried making a video album for my son’s first year, and it was an absolute nightmare. Two massive problems: First, putting hundreds of photos and videos onto a timeline was a soul-sucking, time-wasting mess—like, who has two weeks to do that? Second, I’ve got a phone bursting with pictures I never look at because scrolling through one-by-one is pure torture. So, I created Zip2Album. You upload your pics and videos, choose some tunes, and boom—4K video album (arranged and tiled), done. No endless tinkering, no boring marathon slideshows. Compact, emotional, and actually watchable. £3 for 250 images, £5 for 500 or £8 for 1000. It’s therapy for your memories, minus the eye-watering editing slog.
Indie maker at Zip2Album



Gone streaking

Gone streaking 5
Maker History
- Minimum Effective Dose WorkoutExercise efficiently: 10min/week
- The Longevity IndexJun 2019
- Minimum Effective Dose WorkoutOct 2018
Joined Product HuntJuly 24th, 2018