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Jason Werner
Creating websites with Notion and Super just got better. The all-new Super 3.0 features an entirely redesigned dashboard, complete with new features such as Navbar dropdown lists, the ability to purchase domains, a toggle for light/dark mode, and more.
Super 3.0
Super 3.0
Create websites with Notion
Jason Werner
Create beautiful landing pages directly in Notion. Drag & drop from 50+ components, apply custom themes, and have your site up and running in minutes. Here's a walkthrough video:
The Super Builder
The Super Builder
A drag-and-drop landing page builder for Notion
Jason Werner
Super 2.0 includes a suite of new features to build websites with Notion, including subdomains, per-page code & SEO settings, password-protected pages, live site editor, automatic pretty URLs, RTL language support, and more.
Super 2.0
Super 2.0
Build websites with the simplicity of Notion
Jason Werner
Easily add custom domains, fonts, and analytics to your Notion docs.
Super 1.0
Build fast, functional websites with Notion ⚡️
Jason Werner

CryptoFighters is a game centered around cryptographically unique collectible fighters on the Ethereum blockchain. Collect, battle and level up your fighters to win new fighters!

Collect, train and battle with unique fighters with Ethereum
Jason Werner

Cosmo is a slick cryptocurrency portfolio manager that aims to build its focus around exchange and wallet syncing

Crypto portfolio manager with exchange syncing