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Trey Winterbourne
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Hey @luka_brzin, I'm looking forward to it! Keep up the hard work :)
Is anyone launching the first week of July?
Luka Brzin
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Trey Winterbourne
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My main source has been from being open source, where other developers come in. That gets a few hundred visits a day without anything.
But from a customer point of view, I'd say word of mouth. Speak to lots and lots of people in the area, on linked in, product hunt comments, and make discussions like this but about your topic.
It might be a slow start though, so I'd be interested if others...
If you had no money for marketing your Saas product, how would you get your first cusomer?
Arjun Acharya
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Trey Winterbourne
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Personally I'm a kind of an AWS Fanboy, and kind of trust them only. I tend to find myself trusting small SaaS apps very little, as often the developers are either inexperienced or just don't have a big enough budget to stay secure.
It depends on the product though, Thinker being note taking and planning, seems like a fair use case for Cloud. I'd feel like my "data" is secure enough with...
Cloud vs Selfhosted
Arjun Acharya
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Trey Winterbourne
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Great tips Luka, I need to get practicing! :)
How important is storytelling?
Luka Brzin
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Trey Winterbourne
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I use AWS SES, they have a ton of auth, great recommendations every now and then and so far I’ve had no junk mail, but I’ve not checked with anyone else yet. AWS require a fair amount of “reasoning” when applying, so I’d assume they don’t get blocked much.
I’d love to hear others opinions though, such an important topic for businesses
Which Email Service Provider (ESP) 📧do you recommend for increased deliverability🚀?
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Trey Winterbourne
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Not at all really, a few questions with ChatGPT every few days. But then I don’t work full time, just a hobby
How much do you find yourself dependent on AI in your work?
Nabeel Amir
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Trey Winterbourne
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Congrats on the launch @asmitha_rathis1 & team!
Get instant, AI-powered answers from your company knowledge

Trey Winterbourne
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Wow @olenabomko, that's incredible, good job!
Crossed 2400 followers on Product Hunt. Is follower count a vanity metric?
Ghost Kitty
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Trey Winterbourne
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Incredible landing page @yeahiasarker! Wow! I had to smack that CTA, it was going to jump through the screen if I didn't 😂 Great job man, looking forward to the launch, though hopefully I get early access and see the masterpiece early :)
⏰ Would you hit the "early access" button even if you don't need the product?
Yeahia Sarker
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Trey Winterbourne
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Yeah I guess that's true and could work, would anyone actually join together though, that's the problem
The quantity of AI "wrappers" on SaaS market is quite disturbing
Anton Gera
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Trey Winterbourne
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I've been working on a Finance type system aimed for small business or self employed entrepreneurs that need to send invoices and keep track of business related things with client management.
Our discord server is
Our Github repo is treyww/MyFinances (close to 100 stars!)
Launch will be in a few months :)
What about you, you got a launch coming soon for the AI Product?
Share your community link and we will join!
Yeahia Sarker
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Trey Winterbourne
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Could you not build a custom solution with a backend and something like stripe or PayPal? And just track affiliation payments in a database?
Cheapest affiliate program software?

Trey Winterbourne
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Nice, great launch! I love the pricing model. Can be seen as quite expensive for the pay as you go, but at least you don’t have to pay if you don’t use it :)

Deftform Form Builder
Create shareable and embeddable forms that just work

Trey Winterbourne
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Hmm I see what you mean. I've not yet came into a scenario where I've needed to think about pricing (soon!), but I agree with you where users may not intend to continue after the trial.
But at the same time, you've shown them trust, and you've shown them a (limited) product. It's up to them if they think it's worth paying for. I'm not too experienced so maybe there's more psychology behind the...
Thoughts on free trial + no credit card?

Trey Winterbourne
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Nice! I've just joined PH and getting used to it, thanks for the heads up!
When you say "Post everyday" what kind of posts do you mean? I don't want to just post rubbish, but I feel like nothing I say is actually valuable
Got my first 50 followers, here is what I learned.
Luka Brzin
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Trey Winterbourne
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I tend to find myself typing, but I 100% am more efficient at THINKING and studying with the good o' pen & paper. Mindmaps and short notes are my favourites.
I find studying when writing on a computer just leaves my mind blank, harder to re-visit and enjoy less - though, hand writing gets achy and takes a little longer.
Anyone else feel the same?
Do you hand write or type?
Priyanka Saini
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Trey Winterbourne
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I often do the same! I'm still a teen, but I love building existing products from scratch for fun, but make it custom tailored to me. This gives me a nice result, and gives some fun building experiences :)
I've started thinking about the possibilities making these projects suitable for more than just me though, but some of them are broad and I know I'll struggle to market. But it's a journey...
Do you reinvent things because you can? :)
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Trey Winterbourne
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Incredible! Any plans to allow a browser version? I’ve got a few streamer friends that use pomodoro timers and a browser integration could be really helpful for them, with the stats still and the ability to see how off track they get lol!
Great launch though, keep it up!

Pomodoro timer & tasks