All activity

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Great idea! What does it do with URLs that may have different UTM codes for instance? Does it look for rel=“canonical” links?

A comment system anywhere with one click/tap

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With Big Mail, your emails never touch a third party server, no personal data about you is collected, and all intelligent email processing is done on device. Big Mail is a native app written in Swift UI and feels perfectly at home on both macOS and iOS -- no bundled JavaScript app here.

Big Mail
Your inbox, upgraded.

Spaceman is an application for macOS that allows you to view your Spaces in the menu bar. Spaceman allows you to see which space you are currently on relative to the other spaces you have. Naming these spaces is also an option.

A macOS app to view virtual desktops in the menu bar

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Found this through a DDG search looking for a way to name my Spaces.

A macOS app to view virtual desktops in the menu bar

NetFlix Streaming by Alternate Genres
The most comprehensive list of Netflix's hidden genre codes

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"Ogre's Crypt" has a much larger list:
Netflix categories codes
Find hidden Netflix categories by their codes

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So intriguing. Would love to be able to get this with even a slightly curved keycap profile instead of "chiclet" keys.

An ultra-slim wireless mechanical keyboard

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TIL light skin is more gorgeous than dark skin, thanks Meitu

Make your selfies gorgeous. Downloaded by over 1 billion. ✨

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This is yet another app where I can't *fathom* why it requires me to sign up. Based on what I can tell from the app here and in its App Store description, everything it does could be done locally without ever talking to the cloud -- or if backups and syncing really were necessary, could use CloudKit. It's not that I don't trust this company not to do anything nefarious with my data, but why am...

Reminders to stay in touch with friends, family and network

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This logo looks A LOT like RC Cola

Refined Currency
Personal finance advice for modern women

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Would love to see syncing via LAN or some other alternative to the cloud.
A modern, open source password manager for everyone.

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This is difficult to find in the App Store. Searching for "pod," "pod calendar," and "podfactor" didn't work; I had to search for "connected calendar".
Pod helps you manage your people, not just your schedule

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This is great! Just tried it with an outdoor photo with lots of faces, sky, trees, colors, and it really does seem to make things more "lifelike" without looking oversaturated or "Instagrammy".
I know this is meant to be totally automatic, but I wonder if a single slider might be useful, to increase or decrease the "intensity" of the overall effect? Some other options for comparing...
Photolemur 2.0
Perfect your photos automatically with the help of AI

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One pet peeve I have with Night Shift that I'd love for Shifty to solve is that it shifts too quickly, over the course of only like ten minutes, whereas Flex shifted over the course of what felt like multiple hours. I can *see* Night Shift happening, which is distracting and doesn't give my eyes time to adjust.

More control over macOS Night Shift

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I absolutely need this but am disappointed that it's Chrome-only rather than a bookmarklet.
Turn highlighted text into an image with a single click.