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Tony Ennis
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Budibase was already super powerful - with these new additions there's going to be very little that *can't* be built in Budibase. Love it

Budibase 2.0
Build internal tools in minutes - easy, fast & open-source

Tony Ennis
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Hi Product Hunters!
I've been building websites of various shapes and sizes for the past 10 years.
I've worked with every CMS you can imagine, but always came up against 2 sticky problems:
1. Once the design has been finished and the code written, how do we allow the site editors to update content without needing a developer to make code changes?
2. How do we allow people to make those...

Make any website editable inline

Editmode makes it incredibly easy for developers to give clients or co-workers the ability to edit their website content directly on their website where it appears.

Make any website editable inline

Tony Ennis
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The original version of Letterbox was a game that myself and my family would play using pen and paper. After moving to Asia, I decided to digitise it so that we could continue to get enjoyment out of it. Hopefully it brings others joy too.

9 letters, 60 seconds, ∞ words. Play real-time with friends

Manage local websites from your menu bar. Works with rails