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Thomas Urbanski
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Very useful! Congrats!

Capture full-page screenshots with ease, every time

Culturama analyzed 5 million employee reports to provide insights into the work cultures of 1,500 global companies. With this data, you can learn how different work cultures compare in terms of 130 common workplace problems.

AI compares cultures of 1500 companies using 5M opinions

Thomas Urbanski
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Hello Product Hunt! 😄
I'm Thomas, and on behalf of the whole team, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Culturama! 🎉 Our tool offers insights into the work cultures of the 1500 largest organizations. We analyze millions of publicly available employee opinions in natural language to break down barriers that prevent the public from understanding what it's like to work in different industries and...

AI compares cultures of 1500 companies using 5M opinions

Thomas Urbanski
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I never DM non-followers. With followers it is rare and only when my message is directed to a given individual.
How often do you DM people on Twitter?

Thomas Urbanski
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Sadly, I haven't notice any change. Maybe, except the fact that my replies are deboosted less often.
How is your engagement on Twitter since Twitter Blue?
Bjarn Bronsveld
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Thomas Urbanski
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Following social media.
What do you spend too much time doing?
Ghost Kitty
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Thomas Urbanski
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Visual Studio Code if you do some coding in your startup
What’s the best free tool for startups?
Marco Elizalde
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Thomas Urbanski
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You have to be prepared to act as a salesperson at some stage. Or have at least one co-founder who will do it.
Experience is unbeatable
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Thomas Urbanski
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For being self-aware it must be able to dynamically reflect on itself. Modern neural networks unlike us have clearly separated periods of training (learning) and generation (when they predict, classify etc.). All NNs that you use are most likely static. Training is computationally intensive and does not occur at the same time when NN is running. My guess is that you won't see self-aware...
When will artificial intelligence become self-aware?
Clarity AI
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Thomas Urbanski
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They certainly matter when up-voting.
Do PH Points matter? 🤔
Bernard Badó
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Thomas Urbanski
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Definitely MRR
What is more important for any early-stage startup?
Gaurav Parvadiya
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Thomas Urbanski
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A positive culture, fair pay and benefits, transparency, and being tech-savvy.
Workplace issues that eliminate companies or attract applicants?
Elisabeth Was
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Thomas Urbanski
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Responsiveness.. Must be at the same level as standard screens.
Is it time for an e-ink laptop? What are the must-haves?
Burak Gunduz
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