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Tim Jahn
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Hi, I'm Tim. I'm the host of We're Only Human, a podcast celebrating the resiliency of the human spirit. I got divorced last year and through that process, I've grown immensely as a person. I learned how to ask for help, that it's ok to cry, how to redefine a traditional family unit, and most importantly, that being vulnerable is a good thing. In an effort to continue growing as a person, I've...

We're Only Human (podcast)
A podcast celebrating the resiliency of the human spirit

Sometimes we forget that this industry is made of fellow human beings, who are often struggling with the same things we are. We're Only Human is an interview podcast exploring the strength & vulnerability of all of us. Let's grow by learning from each other.

We're Only Human (podcast)
A podcast celebrating the resiliency of the human spirit

Tim Jahn
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Love this podcast (and just a big fan of 37signals/Basecamp in general)! The production value is superb (both now in the podcast form and even when they did the written articles) and the stories are captivating. Very refreshing to have.

The Distance podcast
The stories behind wonderful old school businesses

Tim Jahn
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Charging $5 for electronic delivery is hardly "skipping that fee":

Zero-fee ticket marketplace

Tim Jahn
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Love this idea. Definitely useful for situations where you're sending sensitive information, like in the example.

Self-destructing email from the team behind Delicious

Tim Jahn
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This is pretty slick. Love how the "no thanks" option is clear and not hidden, and how scrolling down simply eliminates the welcome mat.

Welcome Mat for SumoMe
Turn any page into your highest-converting page

Tim Jahn
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Creator here, happy to answer any questions! I created this tool to show digital agencies just how much money they're losing from employees having to search for information every day.

How much time are you wasting?
Learn how much money your agency is losing

How much time are you wasting?
Learn how much money your agency is losing

Tim Jahn
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Logos of companies of a certain size generally have brand guidelines with a bunch of do's/don'ts when displaying their logo (example: I imagine applying greyscale would violate such guidelines.

Clearbit Company Logo API
Get any site's company logo with just a URL

Tim Jahn
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Nice! Was recently thinking of making something like this as I've been doing tons of outreach like this for Donald ( Would be nice to have a more complete solution tied in with the FullContact API or Rapportive to give you the addresses that are valid immediately, instead of having to manually test each combination.

Email Generator
Get +50 email combinations and validate them with Rapportive

Tim Jahn
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Uber gets some more sweet exposure via direct integration and Foursquare gets...nothing? Is anybody still using Foursquare?

Button + Foursquare
Call Uber from within Foursquare

Tim Jahn
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This looks awesome! I'm thinking of adding a Gmail sidebar for Donald and it seems like this would make it much easier/quicker to develop.
I'm weary of the continued state of this though. Is it open source? Do I eventually have to pay for it?

First usable API to write Gmail Apps for 1B active users

Tim Jahn
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Love DMS! Great way to be notified if your crons don't run.

Dead Man's Snitch
Monitor Cron Jobs and Windows Scheduled Tasks with ease.

Tim Jahn
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Creative agencies and design/dev shops often have the problem of clients emailing them everything. Files, website copy, important documents, etc. Important info gets trapped in the individual inboxes of each team member.
I created Donald to solve this problem. Donald creates a shared team library of all client email communication, files and all. Every member of your team can access any...

A shared team library of client emails for agencies

Tim Jahn
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$50 is a lot for a personal tool. A trial is a must in my opinion, so I can at least try it out and see if it's worth $50 to me.

Records for Mac
Powerful personal database app for the Mac.

Tim Jahn
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Co-founder here. We provide curated freelance web/mobile developers for all sorts of clients.
We handle payment, dispute resolution, and finding developers interested in your project, at no extra cost to you.
Happy to answer any questions!

Get curated freelance web/mobile developers

Tim Jahn
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Interesting idea, excited to give it a try. Will the app send me a notification when a task is available for me?

Get paid to complete quick tasks