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Tim Doyle
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Amazing idea, signing up now. How do you plan on expanding curation efforts past your current team?

Morning Short
One amazing short story, every morning, in your inbox

Tim Doyle
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Dracula Doyle. I think this warrants a legal birth-name change as well.

Halloween Twitter Name Generator
Get a spooky new name. All the cool kids are doing it. 👻

Tim Doyle
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I played this back in February on a flight to and from South Korea (plus a bit while I was there). It was the best mobile game I played this year, and the $10 will easily get you 12-24 hours of gameplay depending on your skill level and interest in digesting the story. Truly a work of art!

Banner Saga
Tactical RPG, inspired by viking myths.

Increase your app's download speeds by 2-10x, now on Android

Tim Doyle
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I really love this idea! Just a heads up, I tried clicking on "Partner" at the bottom of the page, but it took me to the Suggestion prompt instead. On that note, I'd love to learn more about the partnership opportunity.

$6k of discounts for the best startup tools for only $39

Tim Doyle
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Liked the initial tutorial and concept of this. Unfortunately no Capital One support yet, so it won't be useful for me at the moment. Are you planning to send some kind of push notification or e-mail when specific banks users ask for become available?

A personal finance coach that's simpler than Mint

Tim Doyle
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You can add some friendly competition to this with a "Space Race" component...first to produce crystal on the moon wins :).

Clicking Bad
A browser game based on Breaking Bad

Tim Doyle
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Where do you differentiate between Vets that are already doing house calls? Pricing seems about on par with what I pay my current Vet for house calls (outside of shots and things past basic check ups).

Uber for vets. On-demand veterinary service.

Tim Doyle
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How is everyone enjoying the new Tavern Brawl gameplay mode? It's only the third week and I'm absolutely loving it (this week has been my favorite so far). Casual mode was getting out of hand...facing face hunter and net decks time and time again in casual because of gold farmers was hardly fun. Tavern Brawl is the way casual play should be.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
A fast-paced strategy card game for everyone

Tim Doyle
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Skeptical how this can work with only upper body pics :P. Legs can contain a ridiculous portion of total BF %.

Estimate your body fat percentage with a single photo

Tim Doyle
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Noodlecake never let's me down on their published games, so happy to drop $2.99 on this. Haven't had a chance to play before asking the question, but would love to hear about why you chose Premium over Fremium? Looking forward to playing the game tonight :).

Shooting Stars
A classic arcade shoot'em up with laser cats!

Tim Doyle
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I've been putting some hours into Path of Exile lately. The combat is fierce (particularly boss fights), the loot is epic, and it offers incredibly in-depth RPG elements. If you're a fan of the Diablo series, PoE will knock your socks off. I've currently been playing solo, but looking forward to learning more about the in-game economy, and running dungeons/instances with friends.

Path of Exile
The F2P RPG that Diablo 3 should have been

Path of Exile
The F2P RPG that Diablo 3 should have been

Increase your app's download speeds by 2-10x (for real)

Tim Doyle
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I'm glad someone is finally tackling the problem of lackluster performance for In Dream Purchases (IDP's). I particularly enjoy the level of respect for those push notes received during a nightmare. Seeing as my night terrors have become more frequent since consuming the recently launched Taco Bell Biscuit Taco, this feature is quite important. Really looking forward to seeing a case study!

Push for REM Sleep
Send push notifications into user's dreams.

Tim Doyle
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Certainly gave me a bit of nostalgia this morning, great work on the game. Have you thought of adding some sort of alternative game play based on time instead of distance? For instance; how far can you get in 30 seconds? Or how quickly can you reach 1000 meters?

Alpine simulator game for iOS

Tim Doyle
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Wayward Souls came from the same team who made Punch Quest, which is an all-time personal favorite on mobile. Wayward Souls is a well paced action-adventure style game that provides fresh random content with each play through. Heavily skill based with multiple classes to master and dungeons to conquer, Wayward Souls is the type of mobile experience hardcore gamers need right now. Another...

Wayward Souls
Action Game with Quick play throughs + massive replay value

Wayward Souls
Action Game with Quick play throughs + massive replay value