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Neo Liu
Neo Liu
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Beyond Text: Engaging the Future of AI with Mind Maps

In the current landscape of AI applications, the majority of interactions are grounded in straightforward text input and output. While efficient, this approach often overlooks the diversity and richness of human thought. We believe that to truly make AI understand and cater to the intricate patterns of human cognition, we must break away from traditional methods and explore innovative...
Neo Liu
Minduck transforms AI interaction by replacing chat interfaces with structured visual thinking tools. Users just only input thoughts, Minduck predict and deliver creation type in an intuitive, visual format, makes AI model benefit to all, no AI skills needed.
Turn thoughts into creation type through mind-map changing
Neo Liu
Neo Liu
started a discussion

How Does AI Understand Your Intentions Without Explicit Instructions?

How Does AI Understand Your Intentions Without Explicit Instructions? I'm fascinated by AI's ability to interpret and act on our intentions without us having to spell everything out. How have you experienced AI intuitively responding to your input? Share your insights and examples!